
Your habit forming superpower results are in:



What does this really mean?
  • You bring enthusiasm to anything you do.

  • You’re determined to succeed.

  • You have a strong desire to make a change.

  • You understand that actions create momentum.

Don’t discount your superpower…it’s key to

getting what you want.

But sometimes…
  • you start with a big action that’s hard to sustain.

  • life happens or plans change and your new habit is the first thing to fall away.

  • it’s discouraging when you can’t keep up your new habit.

  • you plan to come back to it but that doesn’t always happen.

The good news is being ambitious means      


You just need a little assistance embracing your true potential.

This is where I come in…


Get crystal clear on your goal

Use your unwavering determination to make sure you’re crystal clear on what’s most important to you right.

Ask yourself 2 questions

  1. What do you want to accomplish?

  2. Why does it matter to you right now?

Be specific. A broad goal of moving your body more or getting more sleep makes it difficult to attain.

Don’t skip over the “why” of your goal. This helps you to keep moving forward, even when life gets in the way.


Begin where you are

You can only begin where you’re at right now.

Not where you think you “should” be.

Not where you were 5 years ago.

Not where your friend is.

Where you are.

With your enthusiasm, it’s easy to jump in full force and bring your expectations with you.

Let them go.

Determine a small action you can take toward your goal


You’re crystal clear on your goal and why it’s important. Now, determine what small, even tiny, action you can take to move in the direction you want.

Your tendency is to take massive action because that’s the only way to get massive change. But, small steps in the right direction, over time, lead to amazing results.

Maybe you want to

  • walk daily. Start with 5 minutes.

  • meditate. Start with 2 minutes.

  • read a book. Start with one page.

  • improve your balance. Start with 30 sec on each leg.

Let it feel easy, especially in the beginning.

Do things you can sustain.


Schedule it. If it’s not scheduled then it won’t happen consistently.

Grab some tea, coffee, lemon water (or wine), and sit down to look at your daily schedule.

You’ve already let go of any expectations and have created a small action to take.

Now ask yourself:

  • where does it make sense to practice this habit during my day?

  • is this time of day realistic?

  • how can I make this new habit easy (maybe you connect it to another habit you already do)

Before we go any further, let me introduce myself…

Hey, I’m Sabrina

a tree hugging, gardener in the making, mama of 2 that loves mornings and tea. I also love learning bird calls, hiking, and listening to our fireplace crackle.

I’ve been where you are. You want to start a new habit but struggle to stick with it. It’s frustrating. You get discouraged and wonder why you can’t just stick with it!

You’re in the right place. I’ll help you begin. Right where you are.

I’ll help you build awareness, build strength & balance, calm the mind, and let go of patterns that don’t help you. One of my superpowers is helping you figure out what small action you can take to keep you moving forward.

I’m so excited and honored that you’re here. I can’t wait to get to know you more.


P.S. This is just the beginning…

I’m here to support you.

Keep an eye on your inbox because I’ll be sending you more of my best tips,

insights, and practices so that you can make progress toward where

YOU want to be.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 - 2024 · unearth your balance | WEBSITE BY elizabeth mccravy  | TERMS & CONDITIONS