Building Resilience: Grow a Strong Mindset in the Face of Adversity

June 6, 2023

Mindset & Motivation

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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
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I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

Life can throw some pretty tough challenges your way, but you have the power to overcome them with resilience and a strong mindset. Resilience is like a superpower that helps you bounce back, adapt, and keep moving forward, no matter what obstacles you encounter. 

How can you build resilience? Let’s dive into some practical tips and tricks!

Embrace the Bounce-Back Mindset

Resilience isn’t just something you’re born with; it’s a skill you can develop. How? Start by embracing the mindset that setbacks and failures are part of the learning process. For you perfectionists out there (don’t worry, my hand is raised too) this can be a tough one to accept. 

When babies are learning to walk they fall. And get up. Then fall again. They keep at it. As children are learning how to do algebra, throw a ball, or do a cartwheel adults tell them to keep practicing.  We expect them to fail, learn, and get better. Somewhere along the line, we seem to lose this ability to realize that ANY learning process includes setbacks and failures. 

Believe in your ability to bounce back stronger. Each failure is an opportunity for growth and improvement. So, don’t let setbacks define you; let them propel you toward success.

Small actions to bounce back:

#1 Reframe Failure as Feedback

Instead of viewing failure as a personal reflection of your abilities, reframe it as valuable feedback. Take a step back, analyze what went wrong, and identify lessons from the experience. Failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone on the path moving to success.

#2 Encourage Self-Compassion

When faced with setbacks, it’s CRUCIAL to practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. Avoid harsh self-criticism and negative self-talk. Everyone encounters obstacles and experiences failures. Setbacks are not indicative of your worth or potential. Remind yourself of your strengths, and focus on self-care during challenging times.

#3 Seek Inspiration from Resilient Role Models

Surround yourself with stories of resilient individuals who have overcome adversity. Read books, watch documentaries, or listen to podcasts about people who have faced significant challenges and emerged stronger. Learn about their journeys, the obstacles they encountered, and how they navigated through them. Draw inspiration from their resilience and apply their lessons to your own life. Having role models can provide you with a sense of hope, motivation, and belief in your own ability to bounce back.

Develop the Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset is essential for building resilience. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance (1). View challenges as exciting opportunities for personal growth. Believe that with effort and perseverance, you can overcome any obstacle. Research shows that people with a growth mindset are more likely to bounce back from setbacks (yes, you can too!). 

Learn from your mistakes, reframe failure as a stepping stone to success, and keep pushing forward. It took more than a few tries for Thomas Edison to invent the lightbulb. He famously said:

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” 

Small actions to practice

#1 Embrace Challenges

Instead of shying away from challenges, actively seek them out. I know this one is not easy and it’s one I must remind myself to do ALL THE TIME. Challenges are stepping stones toward personal development and success. You can improve and develop new skills through effort and perseverance.

#2 Develop a Positive Attitude towards Failure

Got a fear of failure? Me too. In fact, I feel a little anxious as I write this action. But we MUST change our perspective on failure. Instead of seeing it as a negative outcome, view it as a natural part of the learning process. Failure is not a reflection of your abilities but rather an opportunity for growth. And it’s temporary.

#3 Emphasize the Power of “Yet”

Incorporate the word “yet” into your vocabulary. It’s such a simple word but so very powerful. When faced with a challenge or when you haven’t achieved a desired outcome, add “yet” to the end of your statement. For example, instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” say, “I can’t do this yet.” This small shift in language acknowledges that your current abilities are not fixed and that growth and progress are possible in the future. By using “yet,” you maintain a belief in your potential and create space for future improvement.

Nurture Your Emotional Intelligence

Managing your emotions effectively is a secret weapon for building resilience. Understand your emotions, practice self-awareness, and regulate them in healthy ways. Don’t let setbacks and challenges overwhelm you. Take a deep breath, practice mindfulness, and focus on solutions. 

This one may be the most difficult thing I suggest, but you’ll find yourself staying calm and focused even in the face of adversity.

Small actions to manage emotions

#1 Practice Self-Awareness

Take the time to understand your own emotions, thoughts, and reactions. Pay attention to how you feel in different situations and identify the triggers that impact your emotional state. Regularly check in with yourself and reflect on your emotions without judgment. The more aware you become of your own emotional landscape, the better equipped you’ll be to manage and regulate your emotions effectively.

#2 Foster Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It allows you to connect with people on a deeper level and respond to their emotions with understanding and compassion. Practice active listening with others, seeking to understand their perspectives and experiences. Put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine how they might be feeling. Engage in acts of kindness and consider how your actions impact others.

#3 Develop Emotional Regulation Strategies

Emotional regulation refers to the ability to manage and control your emotions in healthy and constructive ways. Explore different techniques that help you regulate your emotions effectively. This could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, journaling, or physical activities that promote stress relief. Experiment with what works best for you. You’ll be better equipped to navigate challenging situations and respond to emotions in a balanced and productive manner.

Building resilience is within your reach, and it’s time to implement these tips. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities, adopt a growth mindset, and nurture your emotional intelligence. Remember, you have the power to bounce back stronger. You’ve got this!


1. Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House.

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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
Ready to feel empowered? 

I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

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Hey, I'm Sabrina, and my mission is to empower women to feel strong in their bodies and minds. My journey began when I refused to accept being dismissed about my health concerns and discovered the power of small, consistent actions. Inspired by my grandma's determination to stay active and my own challenges with hypothyroidism, I learned the importance of taking control of our well-being. I understand the frustration and doubt many women feel because I've been there myself. Through empathy and authenticity, I help women navigate the overwhelming world of health information, breaking it down into simple steps to support physical and brain health. Let's rediscover your vitality and empower you to live your best life, one step at a time.

I'm a movement & brain health coach & I believe in you.

I'm Sabrina — your cheerleader & wellness mentor.

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