Chair Yoga: Boost Your Energy and Confidence

March 12, 2024


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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
Ready to feel empowered? 

I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

Picture this: a movement practice that not only supports your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being. That’s chair yoga. It can help flexibility, strength, and improved posture while simultaneously alleviating stress and promoting mindfulness.

If you haven’t tried chair yoga then check out reasons why it may be a good fit below. 

Benefits of Chair Yoga

Support Brain Longevity 

The mind-body connection is a powerful force and chair yoga embraces it wholeheartedly. Research indicates a profound link between movement and brain health and chair yoga can be a promising contributor to cognitive longevity. I hope that you’ll discover how this practice not only keeps your body agile but also encourages a resilient and healthy mind.

Chair yoga supports the brain’s ability to adapt and thrive. From seated twists to gentle stretches, these movements contribute not only to physical vitality but also mental acuity.

Stress Reduction and Relaxation

In our fast-paced lives, stress is a common companion. Chair yoga offers a sanctuary of calm within the daily hustle. The intentional breathing and gentle movements promote relaxation, helping to alleviate stress and tension. It’s like a mini-retreat you can access anytime, right from your chair.

Improved Physical Health

Despite the simplicity of chair yoga, it delivers significant physical benefits. The practice enhances flexibility, strength, and posture. The carefully designed movements target key muscle groups, contributing to improved overall physical health. Over time, consistent chair yoga sessions can lead to increased vitality and a more robust body.

Very Accessible

Chair yoga is incredibly accessible. Chair yoga provides a gentle entry point, allowing everyone to experience the benefits of movement and mindfulness.  If you work at a desk, you can take a break and do it from your chair.  Or if getting to the floor isn’t realistic right now, you can practice in your chair.

Adapts to Your Schedule

One of the standout features of chair yoga is its adaptability to a busy lifestyle. Whether you have a few minutes or a more extended break, you can integrate chair yoga into your schedule seamlessly. The convenience of practicing in a chair means you can experience the benefits without making space to roll out a mat. It’s a practical and time-efficient way to prioritize well-being.

Tips to get started

The beauty of chair yoga lies in its simplicity and accessibility. No need for fancy equipment – just a chair and a commitment to your well-being. Below I offer a few things to try out.

You will need

  • A sturdy chair (a recliner won’t do)

  • An open mind

  • 5-10 minutes 

Sit and breathe

  • Sit tall toward the edge of the chair so your back is not against the back of the chair. 

  • Close your eyes or let your gaze fall to the floor

  • Begin with slow breathing – it’s like hitting a reset button for your mind.

  • Inhale and raise your arms overhead

  • Exhale and bring your palms to your heart

  • Repeat this 5 times

Side bend

  • Separate your feet so your toes are pointed at a slight angle. 

  • Bring a forearm to the thigh 

  • The other arm can reach up and over for a side bend

  • Breathe here 5-10 breaths

  • Repeat on the other side

Downward facing down

** for this one you want make sure the chair won’t slide on the floor

  • Face the seat of the chair

  • Bring your hands to the seat and either have your palms flat on the seat or on the edges of it

  • Walk your feet back so your spine is long

  • Keep your ears in line with your upper arms

  • Breathe here 5-10 breaths

  • Walk your feet back toward the chair to come out 


  • Face the seat of the chair 

  • Bring your hands to the seat

  • Step one foot forward so the toes are under the chair, facing forward – start to bend this knee

  • Hop the other foot back – see if you can stay on the ball of the foot with the heel lifted

  • The shin on the front leg is straight up and down

  • Reach through the back heel

  • Keep your spine long

  • Breathe here 5-10 breaths

  • To come out hope the back foot forward 

  • Repeat on the other side

Use what you learn in chair yoga in your daily life. Take what you noticed in your body and the mindfulness with you throughout your day. This is yoga. Remember, chair yoga is about the journey, not the destination. Enjoy the process, and you’ll see yourself feeling better in no time.

If you want more help or info, connect with me. Together, let’s make feeling vibrant and confident a part of your everyday life!

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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
Ready to feel empowered? 

I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

let's be friends

Hey, I'm Sabrina, and my mission is to empower women to feel strong in their bodies and minds. My journey began when I refused to accept being dismissed about my health concerns and discovered the power of small, consistent actions. Inspired by my grandma's determination to stay active and my own challenges with hypothyroidism, I learned the importance of taking control of our well-being. I understand the frustration and doubt many women feel because I've been there myself. Through empathy and authenticity, I help women navigate the overwhelming world of health information, breaking it down into simple steps to support physical and brain health. Let's rediscover your vitality and empower you to live your best life, one step at a time.

I'm a movement & brain health coach & I believe in you.

I'm Sabrina — your cheerleader & wellness mentor.

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