Are you on autopilot during the holidays? Do you feel like you’re always “doing” and not “being”? Let’s see what we can do to be more present and ourselves by developing a rhythm.
Last week we focused on your evening routine. Today, let’s talk about your mornings.
Keep on reading to learn
Why a morning routine is important
Tips for your morning routine
Why you should start small
Morning Routine
What do your mornings look like? Are you rushing around before heading out the door? Do you check your phone immediately? At the end of the day do you feel like you didn’t do anything?
Your morning routine sets the tone for the day. I hear you, you’re not a morning person. That’s okay. You can find a routine that works for you, even if mornings aren’t your thing. Why bother? A routine can increase your productivity and help you feel more confident and focused throughout your day.
First, wake up at the same time every day. It helps your body establish a rhythm. Find a realistic time that allows you to get ready in the morning and stick to it.
Here’s some tips to help set you up for a great morning:
No Snoozing!
Leave that snooze button alone. I was guilty of hitting the snooze button many times before I dragged my butt out of bed. It’s easy to do, because of something called “sleep inertia.” This is that short period after waking of wanting to stay in bed and go right back to sleep. But, hitting that snooze button can actually make you feel more tired since you can enter another sleep cycle. Then when you finally get up, you feel more groggy. Here’s a couple of tips that help me:
Stretch in bed the moment your alarm goes off. The movement can help energize your body.
Use the “5 Second Rule.” This is not the rule when food drops to the floor (though I do use that one too). This is counting backward, 5-4-3-2-1, then I move before my brain talks me out of it.
Skip your phone and splash cold water on your face
Don’t immediately reach for your phone. Better yet, leave it out of your bedroom. Instead, head to the bathroom and splash cold water on your face. It brings a sense of freshness to your mind and body.
Drink warm water with lemon
After sleeping all night our bodies are dehydrated. Don’t jump to caffeine quite yet, first reach for warm water. Add a squeeze of lemon. It can aid digestion and rehydrates the body.
Move your body and breath
Moving the body gets your blood moving and helps to wake it up. You don’t have to set aside 60 minutes for a workout. Maybe that works for you, but if not, a few minutes of moving can make a difference. Below are a couple of ideas to try.
Cross over
Stand tall with feet under your hips. Inhale arms out to your sides, shoulder height. As you exhale touch your right palm to your left knee, lifting the knee up. Inhale back to how you started. Exhale your left palm touches your right knee, as it lifts. Inhale back. Do 10 rounds. You are gently moving your body with your breath. The knees don’t have to lift high.
Moving your breath is great any time of the day, but can be particularly beneficial in the morning. Changing your breathing pattern can improve focus, decrease anxiety, and help your energy. Here’s one of my favorites:
Belly Breath
Sit or stand, but be comfortable. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly button. Close your eyes. As you inhale feel your belly fill up, pressing gently into your hand. Exhale and feel your belly pulling in toward your spine. Breathe slow and smooth. Start by doing this for 10 breaths. You can build up to a few minutes.
Diffuse essential oils
Aromatherapy can offer an uplifting, fresh, and energizing aroma to start your day. Great choices are lemon, orange, bergamot, grapefruit, rosemary, eucalyptus, or peppermint.
Add a couple of drops to your diffuser as part of your routine. Don’t have a diffuser? No problem, add a drop to a cotton ball and breathe it in.
Plan your day
Take a few minutes to sit and plan your day, preferably with a hot beverage. What are the 3 most important tasks you want to complete today? Be realistic with yourself and start with small tasks. Set yourself up for success.
Small changes can lead to big payoffs. Use a couple of the tips above for a week and see how you feel. Start with smaller, bite-sized, actions. Give yourself grace, because stuff happens to interrupt your mornings. But you have to start, don’t wait until you’re motivated.
Action boosts motivation.
Here’s to a morning routine that works for you. Next week we’ll focus more on how moving your body can ease the holiday craze.
Tassi, P., & Muzet, A. 2000. Sleep inertia. Sleep medicine reviews, 4(4), 341–353. 2021. How to stop hitting the snooze button. . Accessed 12 December 2021.
Robbins, Mel. 2017. The 5 Second Rule: Transform your life, work, and confidence with everyday courage. Savio Republic.
Watson, Kathryn & Potter, Daniel. 2020. “What are the benefits of drinking hot water?”. . Accessed 12 December 2021
Richard P. Brown & Patricia L. Gerbarg. 2005. Sudarshan Kriya Yogic Breathing in the Treatment of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: Part I—Neurophysiologic Model. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11(1), 189-201.
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