Humans are made to move. The average adult sits for 6.5 hours every single day in the U.S. That’s a lot of sitting. High amounts of sitting have negative effects on your body (1). We MUST incorporate more movement into our days because movement matters.
We are simply not moving enough.
Let’s explore different ways you can incorporate more movement into your life every single day. And notice, I’m using the word “movement” not “exercise”. It’s often assumed when you’re told to move more that it means to exercise more. But there’s a difference.
Katy Bowman, a movement specialist, describes exercise as “purposeful bouts of physical activity that we take specifically for improving our well-being.” There are clinical parameters that describe what exercise is:
Predetermined mode – you decide what you want to do (swim, run, lift weights, fitness class)
Predetermined duration – you decide how long you’ll do it (minutes or distance)
Level of physical exertion – you aim for a certain level of intensity
Goal in mind – you’re doing it to improve some aspect of fitness (area of your body, stamina)
Exercise is more often done away from other things. You stop what you’re doing, exercise, then get back to your life.
Exercise is important. But when I say we must move more I’m NOT referring to exercising. Movement is anytime you change your body position. Anytime. It often means the whole body is moving, but not always.
How can we move more?
You’ve probably heard of suggestions like “take the stairs, get a standing desk, or go for a walk”. All great tips. But in this article, I wanted to include different suggestions that help to sneak more movement into your days.
Tips to move more
Walk or stand during phone calls.
Set a timer to get up every 30 minutes and take a lap around your house or office
Drink more water so you have to make more trips to the bathroom
Roll your feet with a tennis ball sitting or standing (your feet will love this!)
Park far away from an entrance (you’ve probably heard this one but it’s a good one!)
Move and groove while you cook (one of my personal favorites)
Fold laundry standing up at a counter or table
After dinner spend 5-10 minutes cleaning
When watching TV get up during every commercial and walk around
Sit on the floor (you’ll move more than sitting on a comfy couch, and sitting is good for you)
Walk to your mailbox to get your mail, instead of when in your car
Get a high-energy dog (although this is quite a commitment, it certainly works!)
Try carving out a little time here and there to move throughout your day. Remember, 5-10 minutes a few times adds up.
What ideas do you have to add more movement to your day? Comment below!
1. Li S, Lear SA, Rangarajan S, et al. (2022) Association of Sitting Time With Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in High-Income, Middle-Income, and Low-Income Countries. JAMA Cardiol.;7(8):796–807. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2022.1581
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