How to get unstuck from stress

February 7, 2023


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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
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I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

Did you know that 77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health? And 73% experience stress that impacts their mental health. That’s according to The American Institute of Stress. Those are shockingly high numbers.  Feeling stressed or overwhelmed is no joke.

In the article, you’ll learn

  • Is all stress bad?

  • How our physical body can help reduce stress.

  • Tips to reduce stress & overwhelm.

Is all stress bad?

Many studies and surveys show an increase in anxiety and feeling overwhelmed or stressed. You can search for “stress statistics” and a slew of articles will come up. It’s shocking! Each year the American Psychological Association surveys people across the United States about stress.  The 2021 survey revealed how much the pandemic has affected stress and decision-making. 

So if you’re feeling stressed, if you are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.

There are so many reasons you may feel overwhelmed or stressed…

  • Your busy job

  • Getting tasks done

  • Caring for elderly or sick relatives

  • Running a household

  • Caring for your children

  • Your relationships

  • Working with technology

  • Not liking your current job

  • Finding a new job

  • Finding a home

  • Trying to “be healthy” 

  • The news

And then there’s Covid. Let’s face it. Living, working, and even just breathing during the past several years can exacerbate any of those items listed above! 

What can we do about it? You can’t remove every stressor there is. And the truth is stress can be good, in a moment. It can help in survival situations. That “fight or flight” response thousands of years ago would really come in handy if a predator attacked. 

Feeling some pressure may help you get tasks done. A little anxiety may help you prepare for a presentation. I’m sure you can think of examples when you felt some stress or anxiety, then it was gone. These feelings aren’t inherently bad. 

They become harmful when we get stuck in them.

Let’s get unstuck.

Get grounded in your body

Our minds wander, but our physical bodies can ONLY ever be in the present. When we feel stressed, overwhelmed, worried, or anxious, getting grounded in our physical body brings us back to the present moment. It takes you out of whatever rabbit hole your mind was going down and settles you here, in the present. 

Below you’ll find tips to get grounded in your body. Each one will help bring you back to your physical body and calm the nervous system. Try them out and see which ones work for you. 

54321 Method

Let your 5 senses bring you back to the present and help that wandering mind calm down. 

  1. Take a deep breath in through your nose

  2. Exhale it out

  3. Now take note of your surroundings and name

    • 5 things you can see.

    • 4 things you can feel.

    • 3 things you can hear.

    • 2 things you can smell.

    • 1 thing you can taste.

Taste can be a hard one to identify, so you can always think of 1 favorite thing to taste. As your mind begins to focus on these things, it will become less focused on that other stuff.

Note: I didn’t come up with the 54321 Method and have seen variations of it over the years. However, I cannot find who to credit for this method.

Balance on one leg!

There is nothing like a balancing pose to bring you back to the present moment! Balancing requires focus. It’s simple and you can do this almost anywhere. 

  1. Stand up with your feet under your hips. 

  2. Keep a hand or fingertips on nearby support (table, desk, counter, chair, wall)

  3. Lift a knee – simple as that!

  4. Keep your standing leg straight and push into the heel – it’ll make it harder.

  5. Is your mind still wandering? Lift your knee higher. Make it more difficult. 

  6. Keep breathing and do both sides.

You’ll not only focus the mind on not falling over, but you’ll strengthen important hip stabilizing muscles. This is a 2-for-1 deal! Your body will thank you. 

Hands at the Heart

Placing your hands on your heart while controlling your breath can ease a racing mind. 

  1. Rub your hands together. Feel the warmth and energy. 

  2. Place both on your heart and close your eyes.

  3. Breathe in and out the nose. 

  4. Repeat to yourself “I am safe. I am loved.” You can repeat this softly or in your mind.

  5. Let your mind calm and your breath be slow and smooth. 

Hum a tune

Have you ever hummed a song and found yourself feeling good while you’re doing it? There’s a reason behind that. Sounds are powerful. Research has shown that humming is a soothing sound and affects us physically. It reduces stress, increases calm, and even lowers heart rate and blood pressure.

When chanting “OM” there’s a sensation of vibration at the end, a humming. A study found this to stimulate the vagus nerve, which can counteract the “fight or flight” stress response we can get stuck in. 

Use essential oils

There are lots of essential oils that have calming benefits. I listed a few oils that aren’t just calming, but very grounding. 

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides)

Essential oils that come from the roots of the plants tend to have a very grounding effect. Vetiver is no exception. This oil has a smooth, rich, woody, and very earthy aroma. In my experience, either you love the aroma, or not at all.

Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)

Chamomile is well-known in tea form for calming. The essential oil also offers those calming qualities, especially when our minds are going a mile a minute. This oil comes from the flowers of the plant and the aroma is sweet and slightly fruity. You don’t need much of this oil. 

Orange (Citrus sinensis)

Citrus essential oils are some of the best ones to reduce anxiety.  They calm the nervous system and inspire more positive feelings. The aroma is fresh and fruity, similar to the fruit’s peel. 

A great way to use these 3 oils would be to add them to lotion.

  • 3 drops Vetiver

  • 2 drops Roman chamomile

  • 2 drops Orange 

  • 1 oz lotion

Add the essential oils to lotion and mix. Massage into wrists, chest, neck for a calming and grounding effect. 

Bringing your mind back to your physical body is a great way to calm the mind and bring your focus back to the here and now. Start with one of the tips above and see how you feel.

Start small. Remember, small actions can lead to big impacts.

Which tip will you try? Share below!


“What is Stress”?” The American Institute of Stress. Accessed Jan 30, 2022.

American Psychological Association (2021). Stress in America™ 2021: Stress and Decision-Making During the Pandemic.

Goldman, Jonathan. & Goldman, Andi. The Humming Effect: Sounding Healing for Health and Happiness. Healing Arts Press. 2017

Kalyani BG, Venkatasubramanian G, Arasappa R, Rao NP, Kalmady SV, Behere RV, Rao H, Vasudev MK, Gangadhar BN. 2011. Neurohemodynamic correlates of ‘OM’ chanting: A pilot functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Int J Yoga;4:3-6.

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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
Ready to feel empowered? 

I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

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Hey, I'm Sabrina, and my mission is to empower women to feel strong in their bodies and minds. My journey began when I refused to accept being dismissed about my health concerns and discovered the power of small, consistent actions. Inspired by my grandma's determination to stay active and my own challenges with hypothyroidism, I learned the importance of taking control of our well-being. I understand the frustration and doubt many women feel because I've been there myself. Through empathy and authenticity, I help women navigate the overwhelming world of health information, breaking it down into simple steps to support physical and brain health. Let's rediscover your vitality and empower you to live your best life, one step at a time.

I'm a movement & brain health coach & I believe in you.

I'm Sabrina — your cheerleader & wellness mentor.

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