Do you feel like your body is on hyper-alert? Can you look at a flowering plant and start sneezing? When seasonal allergies hit it can affect your life in so many ways.
You can work at calming those systems and preventing them. Let’s also look at ways to support your immune system and overall health.
Tip #1 Get some rest
Rest and relaxation are important to support a healthy body. In our modern society, we often run around on empty.
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly on the go, feel exhausted, then lay in bed finding it hard to fall asleep? That can be frustrating!
Sleep helps the body repair, regenerate, and recover. The immune system is no exception. Without enough sleep, your brain just can’t function properly. It can make it more difficult to concentrate and think clearly.
Developing an evening routine can help prepare your body for bed. I wrote about the importance of an evening routine in this article. You’ll also find suggestions for developing a routine.
The important thing is to develop an evening routine that works for you! And stick to it as best you can, making tweaks as needed.
Rub your arch with some pressure. You’ll cover the adrenal glad reflex.
An additional suggestion is to rub certain reflexology points on your feet.
Grab your favorite lotion.
Grab your feet.
First, massage the lotion into your feet. All over.
Apply some pressure. Nothing crazy but enough to feel if spots are tender.
Spend more time on the tender spots.
Now focus on your arch. Refer to the photo. You’ll be working the adrenal gland reflex.
It can be very tender here if you have seasonal allergies (or are really stressed in general) so go slow.
When you’re done put socks on if your feet are slippery from lotion.
Tip #2 Reduce stress
It’s easy to tell you to lower your stress levels, but I know that hearing those very words can be stressful!
You may be thinking, how in the world do I do that!
Try one small action. Just one. And it can be teeny tiny. In fact, I suggest that you make it teeny tiny. For tiny tips to try, check out this article. It’s not always easy to reduce stress but it’s really important to support your overall health and immune system.
Why? Chronic stress affects every single system in your body. Not one is spared.
But you can change that, one tiny step at a time.
Tip #3 Stay hydrated
All the cells and organs of the body need water. The percentage of water in the human body is between 45-75%, with the average being 60%. (1)
Here’s a few reasons why water is so important
It forms saliva and mucous
It lubricates the joints
It delivers oxygen throughout the body (blood is a whopping 90% water!)
It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other tissues
It regulates body temperature
It’s necessary for good digestion
It helps maintain blood pressure
It prevents kidney damage
It boosts skin health
It makes minerals and nutrients accessible
Our bodies require hydration to function properly. Stay hydrated!
How much should you drink?
Angie Vereecke is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I asked her if the general consensus is still to drink half your weight in ounces per day. She said
“Yes. But ultimately, listen to how your body feels with it. Less on less active days. More on more active days. Always replenishing first thing in the morning. “
I hear you, it’s not always easy to get in enough water. Here’s some tips that have helped me…
Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. I keep a mason jar of water in my bathroom to make it easy.
Take a water bottle with you so it’s handy.
Add a squeeze of lemon to your water to add flavor. Or make herbal tea.
Add a straw. I find I drink more with a straw.
Tip #4 Love your liver
Your liver performs over 500 functions that impact every system in your body! If it’s overburdened it affects your body.
Did you know that seasonal allergies can indicate that your liver is overburdened? Supporting your liver is important not just for seasonal allergies, but for your overall health.
Take a good look at your food. And I’m not just talking about organic vs. non-organic. It’s not always possible to purchase organic for many reasons.
I’m referring to foods that can cause inflammation. Which foods cause this? It depends on the person, though sugar is always on that list. But “healthy” foods can also be on that list.
What causes inflammation for me can be different for you.
After having my babies I went through a period of my body not loving eggs. It didn’t matter if the chickens were the happiest, free-range, organic-fed, and laid their eggs on a silk pillow my body wasn’t having it.
How is this possible? Eggs are “supposed” to be good for you. My body didn’t get the memo. It caused inflammation for a long time for me.
Becoming aware of how food and drinks affect you is empowering! Working with a nutritional practitioner can help you do this. And it can be life-changing. Many practitioners, such as Angie, offer free consultations.
Tip #5 Move your body
Moving your body every day is important for your overall health. Somewhere I read an article comparing humans to a car. One of the worst things for a car is to let it sit. You have to use it so it doesn’t start to break down.
Same with humans.
Moving your body is good for blood flow, your joints, bones, and muscles. Not to mention the mental health benefits. (2)
Go for a walk. I know this may not seem appealing if you’re dealing with allergy symptoms.
Do some yoga. Of course, I’m going to mention yoga! It’s a great way to move your body. Some studies have found that yoga can support a healthy immune system. (3)
Do some yard work. Gardening requires moving around, squatting, sitting, and getting back up. All great movements for the body.
If you have seasonal allergies, supporting your health is part of a more comprehensive approach that can offer relief long-term.
What do you do to support your health?
Institute of Medicine. 2005. Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Callaghan P. 2004. Exercise: a neglected intervention in mental health care? J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. Aug;11(4):476-83.
Falkenberg RI, Eising C, Peters ML. 2018. Yoga and immune system functioning: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Behav Med. Aug;41(4):467-482.
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