Humans are social. Connection is not only essential to your well-being but is considered a fundamental need of human beings. Psychologist Matthew Lieberman argues that your brain is wired to connect and that it’s a major driver behind your behavior.
There are many ways you can connect with others. A loving touch, perhaps with some laughter, is one powerful way.
In this article, you’ll find ___ ways to connect with someone. Grab a loved one – your partner, spouse, child, parent, or friend. Put on some music you both enjoy and have fun with the tips below!
Back-to-back breath
Sit with your backs touching. It doesn’t matter if one person is taller than the other.
Let your legs be comfortable – out in front of you or crossed.
Sit tall and close your eyes.
Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly.
Breathe in and out of the nose.
Your breaths don’t have to sync up, but they might.
Notice how it feels as your loved one breathes.
Navasana with a partner
Sit facing your partner.
Place your heels on the floor and the balls of the feet touching.
Hold hands if possible.
Lift one foot, then the other.
Laugh, especially if you fall over!
Shalabhasana assist
Lay on your belly with your arms stretched in front of you.
Your partner will hold your hands and gently lift your arms up.
Keep your ears in line with your upper arms and enjoy the stretch!
Breathe here for several breaths here then switch!
Child’s pose
1. Sit on your heels and bring your torso forward.
2. Your partner will sit on the floor behind you and lean back until their back is on yours.
3. If you’re in child’s pose the weight can feel good.
4. If you’re leaning back, opening the chest can feel good.
5. Breathe here then switch places.
Reflexology with a partner
You’ll need a couch, 2 pillows, and your favorite lotion.
You’ll work on each other’s feet at the same time.
Sit on the couch so you can reach your partner’s foot on the pillow.
Take time to rub the lotion into your partner’s foot. Use some pressure. Get the lotion between the toes. You may start finding tender spots as you do this.
Be sure to let your partner know when there’s a tender spot.
When you find tender spots, spend more time on them. Simple as that. Use more pressure, but not so much that it’s super painful. You want your partner to relax.
Do this for 10 minutes on each foot.
*** You could always work specific reflexes using the chart below.
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