Wisdom for winter

January 17, 2023


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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
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I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

Winter can be a magical time of year, for some. Much of nature is quiet and dormant, resting up. But for others, the dark mornings, dark evenings, and chilly days make it a gloomy time of year. 

Even if you look forward to Winter, you may have moments when you miss the sun and warmth. Wherever you fall on the spectrum from dreading winter to finding magic in it, I hope you enjoy some tips on how to enjoy it more than usual. 

Have you heard of hygge?

The Danish concept, “hygge” (pronounced “hue-gah”), is a mindset that embraces the unique aspects that only winter brings.

Hygge is described as more of an attitude, not something physical. A professor of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Alberta, Natalie Van Deusen, states:

“The best translation is coziness, but not the physical coziness that you get when you put on a sweater or cuddle up with a blanket. It’s more of a state mental balance and psychological well-being.”

Denmark can become dark for up to 17 hours a day during this season, so no wonder they know what they’re talking about!  In fact, people worldwide have become fascinated with the hygge concept. Try googling “hygge”. You’ll come across tons of articles and books dedicated to this topic.

Hygge is about enjoying the little things in life and the feeling it creates within. But there are certain things we can do to encourage this feeling.

Below are some tips to help you embrace the winter season a little more this year. 

Notice your thoughts

Pay attention to what you’re telling yourself about winter. If you’ve conditioned yourself to put up with negative thoughts about the colder months and keep reinforcing them time and again, your brain will adapt to the input you’ve provided.

Take note of your winter thoughts. Maybe you tell yourself…

There’s nothing to do but sit around.

It’s too cold outside to do anything.

I just have to wait it out until it warms up.

The cold slows me down.

It’s just gross outside.

I’m bored, there’s nothing I can do. 

These thoughts can create a feedback loop. The more you tell yourself it’s too cold to do anything the more you don’t do anything. The more you tell yourself you’re bored, the more you’ll be bored. 

Catch yourself repeating any negative thoughts that aren’t helping you this winter. Perhaps you can reframe your approach to the colder months and start to embrace what it brings. 

Let yourself slow down

Winter has a different rhythm. Embrace it. After the rush of the holiday season, it can be refreshing to slow down. Think of winter as your time to hibernate and do all the things you’ve been putting off, or too busy to do. 

Instead of checking email or social media, maybe you cozy up with a good book. 

Maybe you finally get through that TV show that’s been on your list or listen to all those podcasts.

Instead of staying up late, you go to bed earlier. 

It’s not that you’re slowing down because there’s nothing else to do, you’re making a choice to slow down.

You’re making a choice to change the rhythm in winter. 

Make your home cozy

Dim the lights or use candles to enhance the atmosphere in your home. Find some soft blankets, throws, or pillows to add to your living space. Do what you can to bring more warmth to your home. 

 If you have a fireplace, build a fire. Or you can stream one! Netflix subscribers have the entire “Fireplace for Your Home” series. Amazon Prime has “Yule Log” and Hulu has the hour-long “Christmas Fireplace.” Search “fireplace burning” on YouTube and you’ll find lots of video choices.

Try designating a favorite spot in your home where you can unwind with a cup of herbal tea or a glass of wine. Maybe it’s the end of a sofa, a window seat, or a comfy chair. Add a pillow, maybe a blanket, and enjoy. 

Enjoy the outside

I know I just said to slow down and hibernate, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid getting out in nature. You can slow down and still enjoy the beautiful outdoors. 

Getting outside in the bright light is so beneficial! Natural light during the day helps keep your circadian rhythm healthy. 

Think of your circadian rhythm as your body’s way of keeping time. It helps you stay awake and tells you when you to sleep by affecting your brain, body, and hormones.  Getting natural sunlight or bright light improves your energy during the day and sleep quality at night (1, 2). 

I know it’s harder in the colder months. If you have a tough time getting outside, then plan outdoor activities that you can only do in the winter. Our family looks forward to ice skating, winter hikes, sledding, and skiing here in Michigan. 

And make sure you dress for it!  It makes a world of difference. You know the saying that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. 

If daily sunlight exposure is not practical then think about purchasing a “happy light.” I purchased this one and started using it in the early morning even though I get outside every day.

Stay connected

Gather with good company as much as you can. The winter months can make it harder to get together, with the cold, weather, and dangerous road conditions, but companionship is an essential aspect of hygge. 

What do you like to do in the winter? How do you enjoy it? Comment below!


1. Campbell, S. S., Dawson, D., & Anderson, M. W. (1993). Alleviation of sleep maintenance insomnia with timed exposure to bright light. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society41(8), 829–836. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1532-5415.1993.tb06179.x

2. Fetveit, A., Skjerve, A., & Bjorvatn, B. (2003). Bright light treatment improves sleep in institutionalised elderly–an open trial. International journal of geriatric psychiatry18(6), 520–526. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.852

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I help you feel strong & confident through holistic movement & brain health support. I guide you to rediscover your vitality & take control of your well-being.
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I'm sabrina - your partner in wellness

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Hey, I'm Sabrina, and my mission is to empower women to feel strong in their bodies and minds. My journey began when I refused to accept being dismissed about my health concerns and discovered the power of small, consistent actions. Inspired by my grandma's determination to stay active and my own challenges with hypothyroidism, I learned the importance of taking control of our well-being. I understand the frustration and doubt many women feel because I've been there myself. Through empathy and authenticity, I help women navigate the overwhelming world of health information, breaking it down into simple steps to support physical and brain health. Let's rediscover your vitality and empower you to live your best life, one step at a time.

I'm a movement & brain health coach & I believe in you.

I'm Sabrina — your cheerleader & wellness mentor.

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